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The holidays are a wonderful time of year full of family, friends and food – and lots of it. With all of the celebrations comes the inevitable unhealthy food and weight gain. Between the turkey, cookies, pies, and fudge, it can be hard to keep your weight in check and avoid holiday weight gain.
According to research, the weight that we gain during the holidays can take up to five months to lose! In fact, we weigh much less during the summer than we do over the holidays. However, there is something you can do to avoid spending the next five months trying to lose the extra pounds.
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With so much going on around the holidays, it can be very easy to get out of your healthy routine and slip into bad habits. A cookie here, a piece of pie there and next thing you know, you are busting out your stretchy pants (or maybe that’s just me…). This time of year, it’s especially important to keep up your regular exercise routine and get plenty of sleep.
It’s much easier to avoid gaining extra holiday pounds than to try to lose the weight after the fact. Once the weight piles on, it can be difficult to get it all off, resulting in a slow climb in your default weight over the years. In fact, that’s one of the ways that we gain weight long-term.
Weight gain does not have to be inevitable! There are smart and easy strategies you can apply to every food encounter over the next few weeks to help you avoid holiday weight gain. Grab this quick list of 10 easy but very effective tips that will help you avoid gaining those extra holiday pounds:
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